More Than Punching and Kicking, We Help You Grow

Chuck Phillips

Chief Instructor
Chuck Phillips

Kyoshi Phillips is a sixth generation instructor, ranked Nanadan (7th Degree Black Belt) with lineage directly from Anko Itosu, the Grandfather of Modern Karate. Kyoshi Phillips studies under Hanshi Jim Mather, one of the few authentic U.S. Grandmasters of Karate.

“We have enjoyed these years with you. I’m remembering sitting in the lobby watching Sheldon, barely 5 years old. Much has changed since then but your commitment and compassion have remained steadfast.  Thank you for being such a great teacher and role model!” ~ Darci Adams, Forest Lake

Kyoshi Phillips’ achievements include:

  • Board Certified Instructor, IPMAA
  • Graduate, Elite Instructor’s Collage
  • General Secretary, WAMA/USNKA
  • Treasurer, WAMA/USNKA
  • National Champion
  • Coach, USNKA National Team
  • USNKA Chief Referee

 “Thank you so very much for all you teach my son, Carter. He truly loves coming to your karate class. You do a wonderful job with all of your students.”

~ Rheanna Nelson, Wyoming

The title, Kyoshi (teacher of teachers), and rank of Nanadan were awarded to Sensei Phillips by Hanshi Mather for his long study and loyalty to the art of Karate-do. Kyoshi is awarded in Traditional Karate only after many years of study and rigorous training, including an actual apprenticeship where the student learns proper and safe teaching methods.

 “Thank you for being a great teacher!” ~ Leo Freier, age 8

Kyoshi Phillips is committed to growing and learning within the martial arts. For this reason, Kyoshin Ryu Karate Academy is a member dojo of the United States National Karate Association, as well as the International Ryukyu Karate Reseach Society. Both are dedicated to education and bringing many divergent styles and arts together through workshops and seminars.

“Thank you for helping me succeed.” ~A secret note passed at the end of class one day.