
Community Involvement

“You give but little when you give of your possessions, it is when you give of yourself that you truly give.” ~Kahlil Gibran

The above quote reflects our views well. We strive to give back to the community in ways that involve not just our pocketbook but our time and energy as well. Below is a partial list of community involvement, contributions, and giving that Kyoshin Ryu Karate Academy or Sensei Phillips, personally, have been involved in over the years.

We encourage giving of yourself in our students as well. We do this through our Good Citizenship Awards where students are recognized for a variety of good deeds.

Youth Service Bureau

  •  Restorative Justice Program – StreetWise for Teens classes
  •  Hot Topics – SafeChild for Parents
  •  Major Effort for Christmas Fundraiser Drive
  •  Proceeds from in house fundraising
  •  Business and personal donations

Chuck Phillips in the Community

  • Blood donor for over 30 years
  • Forest Lake Safety Camp Committee Member
  • Friends Make A Difference Mentor Program – Mentor for 4 years
  • Forest Lake Teen Center Volunteer and Donations
  • Independence Day Parade Participant past 13 years
  • Tri County Youth & Family Partnership Member
  • Northwoods Humane Society Volunteer
“Thanks for helping to brighten up my year!” ~Steven, mentoring student

SafeChild Program – Free Courses to

  • Local Cub, Boy, Girl Scouts
  • Day Care Providers
  • Church Youth Groups
  • Various Public and Charter Schools

Donation of Classes to silent auctions for many organizations and causes

  • Forest Lake Chamber of Commerce
  • St. Peter’s School
  • Hosanna Church
  • Maranatha Church
  • Forest Lake Fire Fighters
  • Central Montessori
  • White Bear Unitarian Church
  • Northwoods Humane Society
  • Forest Hills Methodist Church
  • Fundraising for families facing cancer, memorials, etc.
“A sincere thank you from St. Peter’s for your donation of a free month of karate for our auction. I wish you could have seen the expression of the young fellow (about 8 or 9) who won. Better yet his mom’s!” ~Susan Fast, St. Peter’s Church

How can we help you?

These are a few of the ways we strive to give back to the community. If you would like us to provide our SafeChild Stranger Awareness Program for your organization or group or would like a donation of a month of karate or yoga classes for your silent auction please contact the dojo for details on how to have this set up.