More Than Punching and Kicking, We Help You Grow


StreetWiseTM – The Comprehensive Self Defense Program

StreetWise is a unique self defense course developed by world-renown self defense expert, Jim Mather. It is designed to give the student real life scenarios and responses. StreetWise utilizes our unique Five-step Approach to Personal Safety.  This enables our graduates to avoid trouble altogether rather than to simply be taught how to respond to it physically.

In the StreetWise Five Step Approach to Total Self Defense you will acquire the skills necessary to:

  • Prevent trouble from arising in the first place
  • Defuse a potentially dangerous situation
  • Escape an assault or buy time until help arrives or can be summoned
  • Increase the chances of escaping an actual assault with minimal injury
“This is the most comprehensive self-defense program I’ve ever seen!”

~Master Terry Bryan Former Karate Coach, U. S. Air Force Academy

Public polls have consistently found that the fear of violence is a top concern of most Americans today – and with good reason. The U. S. Department of Justice believes that five out of every six people in this country will become the victim of at least an attempted violent crime during their lifetimes.

“The class has helped me see how unprepared I was to avoid a dangerous situation and how some simple techniques can help me stay safe.” ~Janet Rowe, Columbus

The famous Chinese general Sun Tzu, author of the classic, The Art of War, said that the greatest general is not the one who can defeat 100 enemies in 100 battles.  Rather, it is the one who can control things so well that the need to fight never arises.  We agree.  Each of our courses utilizes our copyrighted Five Step Approach to Total Self Defense.  Although this approach emphasizes ways to prevent an assault from occurring in the first place, avoidance is not always possible.  So, we also supply our graduates with the self defense tools they should need to survive an assault with minimal injury.

One of the major flaws found in most self defense courses is a total absence of realism.  Good street fighters are effective because they possess the experience necessary to stay calm in an actual encounter.  Yet, students in most self defense courses learn their skills in totally non-threatening, non-realistic situations.  So, when the real thing arises, it is not surprising that many, if not most, freeze-up.

StreetWise is one of the only self defense programs to utilize a fully padded mock-assailant to simulate a real assault.  This allows our students to practice defending themselves in a realistic, yet safe and controlled environment.

StreetWise for Women

It has been estimated that one out of every four women in this country will be raped by the time she reaches her mid-20’s. Plus, with the meteoric spread of aids, this vicious crime (long considered the greatest fear of most women) has taken on an even more cruel twist, one which makes every case life-threatening.

In addition, women are especially vulnerable to the negative, overpowering effects of fear. So, not only can a physical assault rob them of their lives, but just the fear of it happening one day can rob them of living a happy, successful life. Many are afraid to venture out of their homes at night.

This is why we have designed this intensive 8-hour course specifically for the unique self defense needs of women in today’s society.

StreetWise for Students

StreetWise for Students is designed specifically to meet the diversified needs of today’s schools and students. Public polls have consistently found that the fear of violence in school is at the top of the list of concerns for our children. This program deals with those unique set of circumstances as well as all the other StreetWise topics.

“We learned a lot about personal safety. It was fun to be able to practice some new techniques and not just hear or read about what you could do or should do. Hopefully, none of us will ever find ourselves in a situation where we would have to use any of the maneuvers that you taught us. But it sure is nice to have the extra knowledge!”

~The Forest Lake High School Cheerleaders


StreetWise has been taught locally through the Forest Lake School District, The Anoka/Hennepin School District and as an on-going program at the Forest Lake and North Branch offices of the Youth Service Bureau.

Our goal for StreetWise is to bring it to the community. For this reason, we go where you are. If you have an employee program, social group, church group, club, scout group, organization, etc. we will work with your schedule to host StreetWise either at our school or at a location of your choice. Contact us for details on how this wonderful life saving program can benefit you.